General Information

Name: RS5409
ID: RS5409
Species: Pristionchus pacificus
Dataset: Linking genotype and phenotype in P. pacificus (McGaughran et. al.)
Country: Reunion
Region: Grand Etang
Latitude: -21.139655
Longitude: 55.552229
Source: None
Site: None

Additional Meta Information

Meta Information Field Meta Information Value
inbred no
year 2009
region code 5
region abbreviation GE
ecozone code 3
ecozone BV,TK,GE
beetle code 1
beetle name Adoretus sp.
altitude code 2
altitude zone 250-499
elevation 497
average annual temperature 18.5
average minimum temperature 14.5
average maximum temperature 22.5
average annual rainfall 6000.0
average number of dry (<50mm) month 0to1
average number of not much wet (<100mm) month 0to1


authorstitlepub yearjournalvolumepagesdoi
Angela McGaughran et al.Genomic Profiles of Diversification and Genotype–Phenotype Association in Island Nematode Lineages2016Mol Biol Evol332257-227210.1093/molbev/msw093