Phenotype IDPhenotype NameScoringvariation type#Samples
AT_P_172Anthocyanin 22Results expressed as binary data, determined by the presence (1) or absence (0) of anthocyanin in all 4 plants / accession after 5wks of growthbinary177
AT_P_64RP GHReproduction period: number of days between the appearance of the first flower and the plant complete senescencecontinuous147
AT_P_281Storage 7 daysPrimary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 7 days of dry storagecontinuous110
AT_P_283Storage 56 daysPrimary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 56 days of dry storagecontinuous110
AT_P_282Storage 28 daysPrimary dormancy was measured as the progressive increase of germination rate measured after 28 days of dry storagecontinuous110
AT_P_79LYPresence of lesioning and yellowing.binary95
AT_P_20K39Potassium concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008continuous93
AT_P_80LN10Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average leaf number at flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous177
AT_P_81LN16Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average leaf number at flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous176
AT_P_82LN22Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average leaf number at flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous176
AT_P_5FT10Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous194
AT_P_6FT16Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous193
AT_P_7FT22Plants were checked bi-weekly for presence of first buds, and the average flowering time of 4 plants of the same accession were collectedcontinuous193
AT_P_18P31Phosphorus concentrations in leaves, grown in soil. Elemental analysis was performed with an ICP-MS (PerkinElmer). Sample normalized to calculated weights as described in Baxter et al., 2008continuous93
AT_P_185Aphid numberOn day 25 of growth,two alate females of the common peach aphid, Myzus persicae,were placed on each of four plants of each of the 96 genotypes. Nine days later, the number of offspring produced by these aphids on each plant was recorded.continuous94
AT_P_390WNumber of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cmcontinuous137
AT_P_402WNumber of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cmcontinuous152
AT_P_414WNumber of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cmcontinuous119
AT_P_428WNumber of days required for the bolt height to reach 5cmcontinuous155
AT_P_8Seed DormancyNumber of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination, or DSDS50 value (Alonso-Blanco et al., 2003). The measurement for each genotype was calculated as the average value across all available replicatescontinuous83
AT_P_279DSDS50Number of days of seed dry storage required to reach 50% germination, or DSDS50 value (Alonso-Blanco et al., 2003)continuous109
AT_P_1LDNumber of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200continuous167
AT_P_2LDVNumber of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200continuous168
AT_P_3SDNumber of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200continuous162
AT_P_4SDVNumber of days following stratification to opening of first flower. The experiment was stopped at 200 d, and accessions that had not flowered at that point were assigned a value of 200continuous159