General Information

Name: Pristionchus pacificus
NCBI Taxid: 54126
Description: Pristionchus pacificus is an hermaphroditic nematode with a cosmopolitan distribution encompassing Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. In a series of studies since 2004, we have shown that P. pacificus is not only diverse genetically, but also has ample natural variation in many phenotypic traits. As such, P. pacificus represents a model organism for integrative approaches focused on evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo), evolutionary ecology, and population genetics.

Available Datasets

Dataset NameBuild#Samples#SNPs#Chromosomes#Phenotypes#CovariatesSharedPrivateOwner
Linking genotype and phenotype in P. pacificus (McGaughran et. al.)11492135350734dgrimm

Available Gene-Annotation Sets

Gene Annotation Set NameNumber of Genes
Linking genotype and phenotype in P. pacificus Gene Annotation Set27581

Chromosome Identifier

Chromosome ID Chromosome Name Start Position End Position
ChrI ChrI 1 37614810
ChrII ChrII 1 21938701
ChrIII ChrIII 1 17681857
ChrIV ChrIV 1 24754597
ChrUn ChrUn 1 18331408
ChrV ChrV 1 19680407
ChrX ChrX 1 14912308


authorstitlepub yearjournalvolumepagesdoi
Angela McGaughran et al.Genomic Profiles of Diversification and Genotype–Phenotype Association in Island Nematode Lineages2016Mol Biol Evol332257-227210.1093/molbev/msw093